Roblox Square Piece Wiki


Chop is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit with the properties disconnect and control its own limbs/body parts, usually in the form of long ranged attacks. This also allows for the body parts to dodge Swords entirely. In the Manga/Anime One Piece, the user of his fruit would me a pirate by the name of "Buggy The Clown", who is also the Captain of the Buggy Pirates.

Name Keybind GIF Description DMG Scaling + Cooldown
Chop Fist Q
Chop Fist
Disconnects the user's right arm to throw a long-ranged punch towards the position of your cursor and retracts it back afterwards. 3x Fruit Stat + 5 second cooldown
Chop Car E
Chop Car
Transforms your avatar into a car, traveling at high speeds. The car turns at the position of your cursor. You can ram people to deal damage to them. 3.5x Fruit Stat + 3 second cooldown
Chop Festival R
Chop Festival
Disconnects all of your body parts except your torso, and spin them everywhere around you extremely fast, dealing damage rapidly up to a maximum of 10 times. 0.7x Fruit Stat / 7x total + 5 second cooldown
Buggy Bomb F
Summons a red ball (Supposedly Buggy the Clown's nose?) and throw it towards the position of your cursor with an explosion on Impact. 3.7x Fruit Stat (rough estimate) + 5 second cooldown

Pros and Cons


  • Supposedly immune to Sword Attacks? For some reason, Buggy Pirates are still able to damage me, but it is probably a bug that should be fixed later on.
  • Chop Fist has a pretty big range, for being a fist attack.
  • Chop Fist actually has a chance of hitting a NPC/Player again when retracted back to the fist, dealing twice the damage.
  • Chop Car is great for finding fruits on Islands
  • Chop Festival actually has a way bigger AoE than the attack appears to look.
  • Even though the total damage is not much, if you pair it with Armament Haki, the total damage will go WAY higher.
  • Buggy Bomb also has a way bigger AoE than it appears.
  • Buggy Bomb also has a pretty fast projectile speed.
  • In my opinion, this is one of the best fruits for farming in the game. You can easily gather enemies in one spot by using Buggy Bomb and absolutely demolishing them with Chop Festival afterwards, rinse and repeat. So I would definitely recommend this fruit to a person who is more focused on farming.


  • Chop Fist has a really small hitbox, so it is difficult to hit people.
  • There is a small chance that, after you use Chop Fist, and get behind some wall or object before the Fist gets retracted back to your body, your whole avatar might actually get flung.
  • You cannot hit the brakes on Chop Car, or stop your character from moving. You have to deactivate the ability as a whole.
  • The Ramming hitbox with Chop Car is really buggy, so I wouldn't exactly recommend to use it in Farming or PvP.
  • When Chop Festival is activated, you cannot use Geppo or Dash, making this ineffective in mid-air combat.
  • Just like how you have a chance of being flung with Chop Fist, the same goes for Chop Festival. Sometimes the multitude of Body parts constantly collide with the objects in your surroundings and nudge your avatar a bit, possibly even flinging you.
  • Although Buggy Bomb has a big AoE, the projectile size itself is pretty small, so this is definitely not suited for PvP'ing in the air.

In conclusion, Chop is an amazing fruit for Farming, but on the other hand, when it comes to PvP, it is probably not the best option.
